Arpeggio can connect to everything. #MIDI #controlvoltage #bluetooth #analogsynth #analogsynthesizer #digital #synth #synthesizer #modularsynth #arpeggiator #sequencer #sampler #music #electronicmusic #arpeggio
February 14, 2020 - analogsynth , analogsynthesizer , arpeggiator , arpeggio , bluetooth , controlvoltage , digital , electronicmusic , midi , modularsynth , music , sampler , sequencer , synth , synthesizer
Arpeggio is arriving this summer. #synthesizer #synth #electronicmusic #electronic #music
#ivegotnostrings #ivegotnostringstoholdmedown #nostringsattached #nsa #music #synthesizer #analogsynth #modularsynth #hardware #musicalinstrument #instruments #synth #sequencer #arpeggiator #electronicmusic #robot #portable #gadget #battery #batterypowered #18650
June 1, 2018 - 18650 , analogsynth , arpeggiator , battery , batterypowered , electronicmusic , gadget , hardware , instruments , ivegotnostrings , ivegotnostringstoholdmedown , modularsynth , music , musicalinstrument , nostringsattached , nsa , portable , robot , sequencer , synth , synthesizer
#new #arpeggio #music #hardware #prototype #synthesizer #sequencer #arpeggiator #music #musicalinstrument #electronicmusic #comingsoon
April 15, 2018 - arpeggiator , arpeggio , comingsoon , electronicmusic , hardware , music , musicalinstrument , new , prototype , sequencer , synthesizer
#arpeggio #synth #synthesizer #hardware #engineering #startup #electronic #electronicmusic #music #explodedview
April 15, 2016 - arpeggio , electronic , electronicmusic , engineering , explodedview , hardware , music , startup , synth , synthesizer
Here’s a shot of our prototype #3 main circuit board with SD card slot, battery holder, and a whole bunch of new stuff! These came in last month. We’re one more round of hardware revisions away from production! #hardware #music #electronicmusic #arpeggio #startup #design #make #makemusic
#arpeggio #arpeggiosynth in the #current issue of #soundonsound #magazine #printmedia #electronicmusic #synth #crowdfunding #creation #Kickstarter
October 4, 2015 - arpeggio , arpeggiosynth , creation , crowdfunding , current , electronicmusic , kickstarter , magazine , printmedia , soundonsound , synth #crowdfunding #electronicmusic #kickstarter #arpeggio #hardwarestartup #siliconbeach #music #startup #synthesizer #synth
September 29, 2015 - arpeggio , crowdfunding , electronicmusic , hardwarestartup , kickstarter , music , siliconbeach , startup , synth , synthesizer